Thursday, 30 January |
08:30-09:10 | Welcome-registration-coffee | B14-B15-B16 |
09:10-09:30 | Opening session | Amphi Cuccaroni |
09:30-10:30 | Plenary session - Adam Letchford (Chair: Martine Labbé) | Amphi Cuccaroni |
10:30-11:20 | Coffee break | B14-B15-B16 |
11:20-12:40 | Parallel sessions |
Multi-objective Optimization Chair: Sara Tari Room: E501 |
Health-care Chair: Véronique François Room: E502 |
Public Transportation Chair: Javier Duran Micco Room: E503 |
Global Optimization Chair: Olivier Rigal Room: E601 |
Analytics 1 Chair: Rafael Van Belle Room: E602 |
12:40-14:10 | Lunch/ORBEL Board meeting | B14-B15-B16/E501 |
14:10-15:10 | Parallel sessions |
Air, Rail and Multimodal Transportation Chair: Paola Paregrini Room: E501 |
Game Theory Chair: Lotte Verdnock Room: E502 |
Transportation of People Chair: Yves Molenbruch Room: E503 |
Multi-level Optimization Chair: Concepcion Dominguez Room: E601 |
Analytics 2 Chair: Vedavyas Etikala Room: E602 |
15:10-15:50 | Coffee break | B14-B15-B16 |
15:50-16:40 | Parallel sessions |
Sport Timetabling Chair: Dries Goossens Room: E501 |
Project Management and Scheduling Chair: Fan Yang Room: E502 |
Rich Routing and Graphs Chair: Alexandre Bontems Room: E503 |
Logistics Chair: Yuan Yuan Room: E601 |
Analytics 3 Chair: Jari Peeperkorn Room: E602 |
16:50-17:30 | ORBEL general assembly | Amphi Cuccaroni |
19:00-20:00 | Cocktail | Bar Zango |
20:30-23:00 | Dinner | La Terrasse des Ramparts |
Friday, 31 January |
09:30-10:30 | Plenary session - Miguel F. Anjos (Chair: Luce Brotcorne) | Amphi Cuccaroni |
10:30-11:20 | Coffee break | B14-B15-B16 |
11:20-12:40 | Parallel sessions |
Automatic Configuration and Metaheuristics Analysis Chair: Kenneth Sorensen Room: E501 |
Real Life and Integrated Problems Chair: Jeroen Belien Room: E502 |
Warehouse Management Chair: Harol Mauricio Gamez Room: E601 |
Analytics 4 Chair: Noureddine Kouaissah Room: E602 |
12:40-14:10 | Lunch | B14-B15-B16 |
14:10-15:10 | Parallel sessions |
Orbel Award Chair: Jeroen Belien Room: E501 |
Optimization Chair: Julien Dewez Room: E502 |
Trucking Optimization Chair: Hatice Çalik Room: E601 |
Analytics 5 Chair: Diego Olaya Room: E602 |
15:10-15:50 | Coffee break | B14-B15-B16 |
15:50-16:50 | Parallel sessions |
Learning and Optimization Chair: Johan Van Kerckhoven Room: E501 |
Lot-sizing and Inventory Chair: Philippe Chevalier Room: E502 |
Rich Routing Chair: Cristian Aguayo Room: E601 |
17:00-17:15 | ORBEL award and closing session | Amphi Cuccaroni |
17:15-18:30 | Closing cocktail | B14-B15-B16 |
Thursday 11:20 - 12:40 Multi-objective Optimization Room E501 - Chair: Sara Tari
- Workflow Scheduling based on Energy-Aware in a Cloud Computing environment using Non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm (NSGA-II)
Khaled Sellami (Bejaia ) Co-authors: Lynda Sellami,Rabah Kassa, Pierre F Tiako Abstract: Cloud Computing is undoubtedly one of the most prominent and fastest growing distributed computing paradigm. It permits virtualized applications, software, platforms, computation and storage to be quickly provisioned, scaled and released instantaneously.
Only the fixed number of resources is supplied in static provisioning though there is variation in demand. Due to its simplicity, many researchers used the static provisioning to design an effective workflow scheduling. In this paper, the dynamic provisioning is considered to optimally vary the number of resources based on the variation in demand and thus to improve the quality of cloud service. This paper aims to implement workflow scheduling using Dynamic Provisioning Based on Demand (DPBD) algorithm. Minimizing makespan and energy consumption of the cloud service are the dual objectives, whereas completing the tasks in a sequential manner and the priority of the tasks are the design constraints. The Pareto optimal solutions of the multi-objective optimization problem are obtained using the non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm (NSGA-II).
- Using genetic algorithms for multi-objective data envelopment analysis
Mihrac Kupeli (Gazi University) Co-authors: Seher Bodur and Ihsan Alp
- Optimality conditions for E-differentiable multiobjective programming problems involving E-Type I functions
Najeeb Abdulaleem (Hadhramout University / University of Lodz)
- Multi-Objective optimization for pathology diagnosis through biomarkers
Sara Tari (University of Lille) Co-authors: Laetitia Jourdan, Marie-Eléonore Kessaci, Julie Jacques, Lucien Mousin
Thursday 11:20 - 12:40 Health-care Room E502 - Chair: Véronique François
Thursday 11:20 - 12:40 Public Transportation Room E503 - Chair: Javier Duran Micco
Thursday 11:20 - 12:40 Global Optimization Room E601 - Chair: Olivier Rigal
Thursday 11:20 - 12:40 Analytics 1 Room E602 - Chair: Rafael Van Belle
Thursday 14:10 - 15:10 Air, Rail and Multimodal Transportation Room E501 - Chair: Paola Pellegrini
Thursday 14:10 - 15:10 Game Theory Room E502 - Chair: Lotte Verdnock
Thursday 14:10 - 15:10 Transportation of People Room E503 - Chair: Yves Molenbruch
Thursday 14:10 - 15:10 Multi-level Optimization Room E601 - Chair: Concepcion Dominguez
Thursday 14:10 - 15:10 Analytics 2 Room E602 - Chair: Vedavyas Etikala
Thursday 15:50 - 16:50 Sport Timetabling Room E501 - Chair: Dries Goossens
Thursday 15:50 - 16:50 Project Management and Scheduling Room E502 - Chair: Fan Yang
Thursday 15:50 - 16:50 Rich Routing and Graphs Room E503 - Chair: Alexandre Bontems
Thursday 15:50 - 16:50 Logistics Room E601 - Chair: Silia Mertens
Thursday 15:50 - 16:50 Analytics 3 Room E602 - Chair: Jari Peeperkorn
Friday 11:20 - 12:40 Automatic Configuration and Metaheuristics Analysis Room E501 - Chair: Kenneth Sorensen
Friday 11:20 - 12:40 Real Life and Integrated Problems Room E502 - Chair: Jeroen Belien
Friday 11:20 - 12:40 Warehouse Management Room E601 - Chair: Harol Mauricio Gamez
Friday 11:20 - 12:40 Analytics 4 Room E602 - Chair: Noureddine Kouaissah
Friday 14:10 - 15:10 Orbel Award Room E501 - Chair: Jeroen Belien
Friday 14:10 - 15:10 Optimization Room E502 - Chair: Julien Dewez
Friday 14:10 - 15:10 Trucking Optimization Room E601 - Chair: Hatiz Çalik
Friday 14:10 - 15:10 Analytics 5 Room E602 - Chair: Diego Olaya
Friday 15:50 - 16:50 Learning and Optimization Room E501 - Chair: Jorik Jooken
Friday 15:50 - 16:50 Lot-sizing and Inventory Room E502 - Chair: Philippe Chevalier
Friday 15:50 - 16:50 Rich Routing Room E601 - Chair: Cristian Aguayo
ORBEL - Conference chairs: Diego Cattaruzza and Maxime Ogier